Here we will explore how LR(1) parsing works: its concepts, its algorithms, and most importantly the intuitions behind these things.
Weʼll start with states, skip to parsing actions, then go back and fill in the details.
The heart of LR(1) parsing is how it forms states, and how it transitions between states. These are pretty straightforward. The rest is just an exercise in accounting for all the information produced.
To keep track of all of this information, we organize it in a graph, a table, and a stack.
A LR(1) parser generator starts by looking at a grammar and creating a graph from it. Specifically it is a finite Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG): its nodes are states of the parser and its edges represent ways to transition between the states.
Then it creates a table from the graph. The rows are states (the nodes from the graph), and the columns are the terminals and nonterminals in the grammar.
Finally, when parsing an input, it uses a stack to keep track of states. Using the information kept on the stack, it will simply follow the corresponding instructions in the table based on the symbols in the input.
The first step – generating the graph – is the most important. The other steps are very mechanical, although it is important to understand how transitions are represented in different ways in the graph versus the table.
Those steps are actually common to several types of parsing. What makes LR(1).
Letʼs talk about what a state means in LR(1) concepts and how to transition between states.
I will assume you know the terminology of grammars in general, like nonterminals, terminals, production rules, etc.
A state consists of a bunch of state items.
An item in a state is very similar to a production rule, except it is a production rule in progress and in context.
type GrammarRule nt r tok =
-- nonterminal / production rule name
pName :: nt
{-- each rule has a unique name
rName :: r
,-- sequence of nonterminals and terminals that make up the rule
rule :: Fragment nt tok
type StateItem nt r tok =
rName :: r
{ pName :: nt
, rule :: Zipper nt tok
, lookahead :: Lookahead tok
, }
By in progress I mean that some of the rule has been parsed already and some of it is yet to be parsed.
data Zipper nt tok = Zipper (Fragment nt tok) (Fragment nt tok)
The term “zipper” is sort of a generic term for data structures representing traversals in progress, see Wikipedia.
By in context I mean that the rule also comes with lookahead symbols that indicate what we expect to see after the rule is fully parsed.
type Lookahead tok = Array tok
As we will see later, the lookahead symbols are important to avoid conflicts in the grammar. If there are multiple rules that are all fully matched, they better have different lookaheads so we know which one to complete parsing. (This is called a reduction.) Thereʼs an additional way conflicts could occur that will be covered later.
The way to move from one state to another is to push past a symbol, either a nonterminal symbol or a terminal symbol. You donʼt just do this in one rule, you do it for all the rules that have the specific symbol next. Advancing these rules produces the seed items for the next state.
This is how the parser makes progress.
But wait: how does a parser advance on a nonterminal? The input only consists of terminals …
There are two components that work in tandem to achieve what we need:
Now weʼll skip to the end of the story: how does the parser actually run? From there we can fill in the details.
Finally we get to fill in the bridge: how to generate the graph and the table.